Legal notice

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Stadtmarketing Kempten GmbH

Rathausplatz 22
87435 Kempten

Tel: +49 (0) 831 / 960955-0
Fax: +49 (0) 831 / 960955-10

Responsible for the content in compliance with §6 MDStV [Media Services States Contract]:

Ekaterina Avdosyev

Main office: Kempten (Allgäu), District Court Kempten, Trade Register Entry HRB 17107

Tax ID: DE362579719

Authorised Representative: Ekaterina Avdosyev

Chairman of the Board of Directors: Thomas Kiechle, Mayor

Information in accordance with § 36 Reconciliation Law for Consumer Disputes (VSBG):
European online platform for settling disputes between consumers and companies (OS platform): In accordance with EU Directive No. 524/2013 on the settlement of online disputes regarding consumer issues, the consumer has the possibility to settle disputes with enterprises in connection with online contract of services provided outside of court via an online platform (OS platform. You can access this platform via this link:

Copyright, Liability:

The layout of the website, the graphics used and the collection of contributions are protected by copyright. The pages may only be reproduced for private purposes, changes may not be carried out and reproduced parts may not be distributed or used publicly. The individual contributions are also copyright-protected; more information can also be found there. All information on this server is given without guarantee of its correctness. In any case, no liability is accepted for damage that may be incurred by using the information provided.

Image rights:
Stadtmarketing Kempten GmbH has the unrestricted or non-exclusive rights of use for the image material displayed by them. Within the scope of using external image material, Stadtmarketing Kempten GmbH is exempt from any claims made by third parties. Stadtmarketing Kempten GmbH accepts no liability for images displayed by content partners. By displaying image material, content partners promise that they are allowed to freely use the image material, that it is free from rights of third parties and that the persons displayed in the images have agreed to their publication without any remuneration to be paid.

All texts, graphics and images on are subject to copyright of Stadtmarketing Kempten GmbH and in all likelihood are also copyright-protected by third parties. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form and be processed by using electronic systems or be distributed without the written approval by Kempten Tourismus.

The following applies for partner service providers:
The displayed and mediated service providers can present their offers and display them at their own responsibility on the websites of Stadtmarketing Kempten GmbH (SMK). The description of the offers as well as the relevant terms and conditions for providing a service are maintained by the relevant service provider at their own responsibility.

SMK has no influence over the contents of the displayed offers nor the terms and conditions of providing a service quoted by the service providers as long as SMK does not obtain positive information that third-party rights are affected by these or that the content infringes applicable laws. In case of any questions and suggestions regarding the display of offers and the terms and conditions of the service providers, please contact the relevant service provider directly.

Design, programming and implementation:

Albert-Einstein-Str. 6
D-87437 Kempten
Tel: +49 (0) 831 512999-0
Fax: +49 (0) 831 512999-44

Data protection:
You will find our Privacy Policy under the link

Picture and Video Credits / Copyright

A big “thank you” goes out to all photographers, partners and service providers supporting us in getting our website up and running.

A special “thank you” also to Martin Erd (©Martin Erd Photographer), who generated a large part of our visual content in mutual projects.

Our photographers, partners and service providers:

©1998 Hewlett-Packard Company; ©2007 David Franklin, fotolia; ©Allgäu GmbH; ©Allgäu GmbH, Erika Dürr; ©Allgäu GmbH, Erika Dürr (Ulligunde); ©Allgäu GmbH, Fotodesign Wolfgang Fallier; ©Allgäu GmbH, Fouad Vollmer; ©Allgäu GmbH, Gerhard Eisenschink; ©Allgäu GmbH, Klaus-Peter Kappest; ©Allgäu GmbH, Marc Oeder; ©Allgäu GmbH, Martin Erd; ©Allgäu GmbH, Mia Gascoigne; ©Allgäu GmbH, Simone Zehnpfennig; ©Allgäu GmbH, Susanne Baade; ©Allgäu GmbH, Tobias Hertle; ©Allgäu GmbH, Tobias Meyer; ©Allgäu GmbH; Christoph Gramann; ©Allgäuer Festwoche; ©Bayerischer Hof Kempten, Ralf Lienert; ©Bayern Tourismus Marketing GmbH; ©BergWelt GmbH & Co. KG; ©CamboMare Kempten; ©carloscastilla, Adobe Stock; ©CityFoto24; ©City-Management Kempten e.V.; ©CLASSIX Kempten; ©Deutsche Bahn AG, Fotolia; ©Dominik Berchtold; ©Ervin Monn, Adobe Stock; ©Fotomüller, Adobe Stock; ©Fouad Vollmer Werbeagentur; ©furtseff, Adobe Stock; ©Füssen Tourismus Marketing; ©Georg Gründl, Käseschule Allgäu; ©Grispb, Adobe Stock; ©; ©Hansi Kienle, Matthias Tunger; ©Hermann Rupp; ©Hice KG; ©Indoor Funpark Waltenhofen GmbH; ©Jordana Schramm; ©JUFAKempten; ©Julian Schmeisser; ©Karl Jena; ©Karl Jena,; ©Kempten Tourismus; ©Kempten Tourismus, Wertvoll Fotografie; ©Klaus-Peter Kappest, Germany; ©Kulturamt der Stadt Kempten (Allgäu); ©Laufsport Saukel, Dominik Berchtold; ©Lienbacher; ©Lindau Tourismus, Hari Pulko; ©makera, Adobe Stock; ©Märchensommer Allgäu; ©Marco2811, Adobe Stock; ©Mark Noormann; ©Martin Erd Photographer; ©Martin Hesz; ©Mathias Amon; ©Maximilian Müller; ©Mediaparts, Adobe Stock; ©Melanie Löffler; ©Michael Lukaszewski; ©Museen Stadt Kempten (Allgäu); ©Nicolas Felder; ©Otsphoto, Adobe Stock; ©Parktheater Kempten; ©Paul Moore; ©Peter Hönnemann; ©Peter Roth; ©pixelrobot, Adobe Stock; ©Ralf Lienert; ©Roger Mayrock; ©Roger Mayrock, Kulturamt Kempten; ©Roman Babakin, Adobe Stock; ©room of secrets; ©Silberstern GmbH Filmproduktion; ©Sportograf GmbH & Co KG; ©Stadelmann; ©Stadtarchiv Kempten; ©Stephan Rottenburger; ©Susanne Moelle; ©swoboda alpin, Altmaier; ©TANZherbst Kempten; ©Teresa Iglseder; ©Theater Kempten GmbH; ©Timo Toth, Sons; ©Tobias Arhelger, Adobe Stock; ©Thomas Pfeiderer; ©Tomasz Zajda, Adobe Stock; ©Ulrike Rottenburger; ©Verena Franz; ©Weihnachtsmarkt Kempten; ©; ©; ©

Cinemagraphs and videos:

©Bayern Tourismus Marketing GmbH, ©Silberstern GmbH Filmproduktion

"Kempten Influencer" of the favourite places:

©Armin Schaule; ©Basti Heckl; ©Cornelia Nigg; ©Eileen Lindhoff; ©Elisabeth Ostheimer, Monika Kreisel; ©Flo Rieder; ©Halil Hüseyin Aydin; ©Hildegard Baumgartner; ©Katrin Germies; ©Marc Radziwill; ©Marcus Hasse; ©Mehmet Salkan; ©Saskia Kiefert; ©Steffi Kramer; ©Sven Bätz; ©Tea Cehic

WildeHilde Kempten 2024:

©GRUPPE DREI®; ©Martin Erd Photographer; ©Allgäu GmbH, Erika Spengler; ©mond’elle fotografie; ©Raphael Schröter; © – Florian Trykowski; ©Kulturamt Kempten, Foto Roger Mayrock; ©Lauschtour; ©Bayerischer Hof Kempten


Worker at desk: Icon made by Zlatko Najdenovski from; App: Icon made by monkik from; Bed: Icon made by smallikeart from; Bus stop: Icon made by surang from; Bank; Fountain; Bus; Retailers; Ice; Family; Aeroplane; Information; Parking; Parks; Bicycle; Bicycle Repair; Playground; Guided tour; Taxi; Theatre; Overnight stays; Event highlights; WC; Train: Icon made by Freepik from; Lost property office: Icon made by Pixel perfect from; Hotel: Icon made by Retinaicons from; Contact: Icon made by Smashicons from; Opening hours: Icon made by Icongeek26 from; Car: Icon made by Kiranshastry from; Post office: Icon made by srip; Conference: Icon made by Eucalyp from; Administration building: Icon made by surang from