Kempten and immediate surroundings

Industrial location

Top location in the Allgäu

The Allgäu metropolis of Kempten is considered extremely attractive not only because of its location as the upper centre of the Allgäu.

Numerous well-known companies are also based in Kempten and the immediate surrounding area. In addition, a number of important industries and institutions are represented here.

We have put together a small selection for you here. We will be pleased to put you in touch with the companies.

Kempten University of Applied Sciences and institutes

Kempten University of Applied Sciences and various institutes

ECC-ProBell® – European Competence Centre for Bells

Kempten University of Applied Sciences has set up the European Competence Centre for Church Bells especially for research on bells. The centrepieces are a large anechoic chamber, a materials science laboratory and the necessary workstations for the staff. Within the framework of a European research project, the competence centre has procured and developed extensive measuring technology, computers as well as analysis and simulation programmes. These are used intensively in ongoing projects together with the necessary data on the strength of bells.


IFM – Institute for Driver Assistance and Connected Mobility

Assisted and automated driving, electromobility and intelligent networking are the megatrends in the vehicle industry that are expected to bring about major change. The newly founded Institute for Driver Assistance and Networked Mobility - funded by the Free State of Bavaria - brings together the research areas of driver assistance and networked mobility.

The IFM has direct access to a neighbouring test site in Unterallgäu and thus offers the possibility to implement a variety of projects around the topics of driver assistance, automated driving and networked mobility.


TTZ Electromobility – Technology Transfer Centre Kempten

Here, research is being conducted on the topic of electromobility, also with financial support from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).

As early as 2009, the Kempten University of Applied Sciences, together with the Allgäuer Überlandwerk, launched the BMWi-funded project eE-Tour Allgäu - efficient electromobility & tourism, and other projects were not long in coming: since July 2010, for example, the Allgäu Electromobility Forum has provided local companies with a non-competitive platform through which synergies can be used, research and development projects defined and, if necessary, even funding applied for.

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Bereich Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften und verschiedene Institute

KLEVERTEC – Competence Centre for Applied Research in Food and Packaging Technology

The focus of the competence centre is on shelf life and thus the preservation of quality and the safety of food. With economically and ecologically sensible innovations in the areas of food production, filling and packaging, the centre of excellence aims to carry out holistic, application-oriented research and development work.

In the process fields of production, filling and packaging, the focus in the food sector is primarily on milk and dairy products as well as beverages. The active network of stakeholders, which has existed for many years, works together intensively.


BZT – Bavarian Centre for Tourism

The central concern here is to transfer knowledge between the Bavarian tourism industry and tourism research.

The objective of the BZT is to promote tourism science and research and to intensify the interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience between the already diverse competences in research, business and politics in Bavarian tourism. The research focuses, for example, on the topics of target groups and markets of the future for Bavaria or sustainable destination development in urban and/or rural areas.

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Mechanical engineering and materials


Liebherr-Verzahntechnik has been manufacturing gear cutting machines since 1952. Ten years later, production was moved from Kirchdorf an der Iller to Kempten in the Allgäu region. Since 1969, the company has been trading as Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH.

The company offers a comprehensive range of machine tools and machine automation for the economical production of gears. Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH supplies renowned manufacturers of gears, gearboxes and slewing rings worldwide.


3M Technical Ceramics

The 3M Technical Ceramics business unit is a leading global supplier of high-performance ceramic products for numerous industrial applications. It employs around 700 people at its headquarters.

Founded in 1922 as Elektroschmelzwerke Kempten (ESK), the company began producing silicon carbide in 1925. It played a decisive role in the development of materials made of high-performance ceramics in the 20th century. In 2012, ESK was taken over by 3M and since 2015, the site in the Allgäu region has been a branch of 3M Deutschland GmbH as well as the headquarters of the Technical Ceramics business unit.

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Logistics and logistics software


DACHSER & KOLB is a pan-European service provider for removals of all kinds, furniture transport, B2C logistics, furniture storage and relocation services. For more than half a century, the group of companies has been offering professional services for both business and private customers.


Noerpel & Lebert

Since its foundation in 1881, the Noerpel transport company has been in family hands - meanwhile managed by the fourth and fifth generation. The Noerpel Group is one of the leading logistics and transport companies in southern Germany and is the regional leader in the export sector. International transport solutions and cross-industry logistics services are offered at over 17 locations in Germany and Switzerland.


CERATIZIT Business Services GmbH

Founded in 2002 as CERATIZIT Logistik GmbH, the company name was changed to CERATIZIT Business Services GmbH in 2019. This shows that more and more services beyond pure logistics are being offered. In addition, the logistics centre is the most modern in the industry worldwide and stores products from the CERATIZIT production sites as well as goods from external services.


Soloplan GmbH

Founded in 1991 as an IT service provider, the family-owned company develops software solutions for the logistics sector. With over 30 years of experience in the logistics and IT industry, the software helps its global customer base to optimise their own processes.


Food production and dairy farm

Edelweiss GmbH & Co. KG

Since 1892, the company has been located in Kempten, where well-known and popular brand products such as Milkana, Bresso and Brunch are produced.

The milk required for cheese production is sourced from milk producers in the Allgäu. Thus, milk from 200 farms in the region is processed at the Kempten site. The factory in Kempten is one of the largest and most modern plants of the globally active French group SAVENCIA S.A.

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Stegmann Emmentaler Käsereien GmbH

In 1906, numerous dairies around Kempten joined forces to form the Stegmann cheese dairy. The name soon became synonymous with the best Emmentaler and high-quality butter.

This was followed in 1996 by the merger with the French Entremont Group and in 2011 by the then affiliation with the Sodiaal Group. In May 2021, MEGGLE GmbH & Co. KG acquires Stegmann.


LVFZ - Lehr-, Versuchs- und Fachzentrum für Molkereiwirtschaft Kempten

The LVFZ is an organisational unit of the Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture (LfL) and is assigned to the Vocational Training Department (ABB). In addition, the LVFZ is the centre of excellence in Bavaria for the education and training of dairy personnel involved in the production of milk and dairy products.

The core task of the LVFZ is, among other things, the inter-company training in the profession of dairy technologist as well as the organisation and implementation of the intermediate and final examinations.

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Packaging technology

VG Nikolaus GmbH

The packaging manufacturer from Kempten belongs to the Belgian Van Genechten Packaging Group and is the largest independent folding carton producer in Europe.

As an innovative and efficient technology leader, the company operates twelve box plants and one extrusion plant.


EK-Pack Folien GmbH

The family-owned company based in Ermengerst-Wiggensbach produces modern and flexible film systems and implements innovative film technologies for packaging applications.

In addition, the family-owned company is actively involved in the Centre for Food and Packaging Technology or the Industrial Association for Plastic Packaging, among others.
